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Products & Projects Implemented

In the last ten years, I have ideated and delivered alongside brilliant teams, ground-breaking and innovative products across different industries. I am the guy who sits in the intersection of Product, Technology, Process and People.

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Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner

Coop HUB [Cooperative Solution]

Built the first commercial bank-backed digital cooperative solution in Africa.Coophub stands as a revolutionary solution designed to transform and elevate the operations of cooperative societies. With a comprehensive suite of features, it offers an unparalleled experience for both administrators and members. The platform's unique selling proposition lies in its ability to automate and streamline critical aspects of cooperative management, from seamless loan disbursement and automated contributions to robust financial analytics and reports.

Coophub ensures the highest standards of security, encompassing data backup, user management, and a direct debit system for frictionless loan recovery. Its mobile app accessibility brings unparalleled convenience to members, fostering active engagement with cooperative activities.

The solution not only simplifies complex processes such as member registration and contribution management but also enhances transparency and accountability through centralized financial record-keeping. Coophub goes beyond digitization; it integrates seamlessly with Wema Bank's core banking platform, Finacle, ensuring secure transactions and accurate financial reporting. The platform's business readiness and change management plan emphasize continuous learning, robust support infrastructure, and comprehensive documentation, further reinforcing its commitment to user empowerment.


Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner

Bridge [Digital Escrow Solution] 

BridgeByALAT is the first commercial bank-backed digital escrow solution in Nigeria. Bridge is an innovative solution that is poised to redefine security and transparency in financial transactions. With emphasis on trust and efficiency, Bridge provides a robust platform that safeguards the interests of both buyers and sellers. Users will benefit from the convenience of online transactions while having the assurance that funds are held securely until predefined conditions are met.

The Bridge solution offers users real-time visibility into their transactions helping users navigate each step of the process. Additionally, Bridge places a strong emphasis on dispute resolution, providing a clear and effective mechanism for addressing any concerns that may arise during a transaction. This commitment to fair and transparent conflict resolution further establishes bridge as a reliable and user-centric escrow solution, Bridge further distinguishes itself by catering for a crucial component of online transaction – delivery by partnering with a logistic aggregator with an array of logistics providers. This will ensure that users have the flexibility to choose the most suitable delivery option for their needs. By providing a user-friendly, secure, and transparent platform that addresses the evolving needs of individuals and businesses alike, Bridge is positioned to be a market leader in the e-commerce space.


Role: Innovation Product Manager | Business Analyst 

StanbicIBTC Bank offers deposit, savings accounts, loans, vehicle and asset finance, debit and credit cards, internet banking, wealth and investment management, and advisory services, with over 2 million active customers and their Mobile App has been downloaded by over 2.1Million users. Whilst working as Innovation Analyst in the Bank, I built the Innovative 3S Banking product that allows customers consummate financial and non-financial transactions via SMS. This solution is the first in the industry.


Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner


I led the team to build an innovative one stop-product to help staff members/customers check all they need to know about the Bank’s products [WEMA Bank] and this allows anyone seamlessly answer questions about ALAT, USSD, ALAT for Business and just about any products in the bank with a punch of a button. It's simply the Wikipedia of WEMA Bank! Since it was built, we have had over 8,000 active unique users.


Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner


I built the disruptive and innovative save and spend feature on ALAT. Since the release of the feature on ALAT on the  1st of April 2022, it is worth noting that a total of 13,653 spend and save target goals were created with a total volume of N 473,140,782.60  and a total of N 4,914,557.00 paid out as interest to customers. 11,377 customers have used the spend and save feature, the average amount saved per customer stands at 41,587.48.


Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner


I led the team to build the first Personal Finance Management suite for the Bank. The Financial Management module helps users track spending, access adequate data, organize their bank accounts and provide financial standing statements. The Financial Budgeting module also helps users budget their income for spending, savings, investment, bills, education, etc and getting reports on how they follow through with it.


  • 2 Million active users
  • 1.3M Budget created
  • 900k product uptake based on AI advisory

Role: Innovation Product Manager | Product Architect


I built the Business Finance Management (BFM) suite on ALAT for Business. This is an analytics tool targeted towards helping businesses track their cash flow in real-time, manage their balance sheet, help with planning/budgeting, and determine how healthy the business's financials are. This solution is geared towards helping business owners have a clear understanding of their incomes and expenses thereby forecasting their finances and cutting costs

Role: Innovation Product Manager | Product Architect

Wema Bank approximately has 3.945million customers and 36% of these customers’ accounts are dormant/inactive. More so, being a Bank with a limited number of branch locations, some customers may encounter a tough time operating their accounts thereby making them inactive or dormant. The Account Reactivation Portal that we built enables customers to reactivate their inactive/dormant accounts online. With this solution, customers will receive a mail with our reactivation link in their registered emails or access the link on the Bank’s website and with the link, they are able to upload every required detail needed to reactivate their accounts online.


  • 70k accounts reactivated.
  • 60% conversion of legacy customers to digital customers.
  • N13 Million Naira in cost savings.

Role: Innovation Product Manager | Product Architect


Onboarding is an essential part of any organization that must be managed carefully to help new hires adapt to the organizational culture, structures, vision, and mission.I built a new process makes it easier by digitizing the paperwork and documentation process and ensuring easier record keeping by providing an online onboarding platform for new staff members. 


  • 80 Man Hours saved.
  • N23 Million cost savings in paper works.
  • N36 Million saved from Human resource cost

Role: Innovation Product Manager | Product Architect


Alongside the Learning and Development division of Africa’s first fully digital bank; I co-created the deployment of the Purple Academy platform, that serves as a tool for engagement, by the newly inaugurated learning university.


Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner


I led the team to build the Bank’s internal innovation pipeline. Ideas Factory is an idea-collections and management portal set up to stimulate internal idea generation within the bank and collaboratively solve specific internally identified problems through the Innovation Challenge.


Role: Innovation Manager | Product Architect | Product Owner

I built a tool to help our internal marketing and communication team track sentiments (mentions and comments) made by customers on the various social media platforms of the bank. The present Iteration tracks comments on Twitter and Instagram and can only be accessed on the web. With this tool, we’ve been able to reduce operating costs paid to foreign vendors. (saving an Annual subscription of $38,000 paid to  Meltwater).


Role: Role: Innovation Manager | Product Owner


I-Philanthropy is an initiative of the Nigeria Office for Philanthropy and Impact Investing to democratizes philanthropic giving by enabling individuals to become Philanthropists through small donations towards Job Creation and supporting MSMEs in the Fashion, Furniture, Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy. I-Philanthropists can decide the sector or State in Nigeria they would like to support and tracking their giving periodically.?Designed as a centralized hub for philanthropic activities, the IPhilanthropy Platform connects donors with impactful projects spanning various sectors and geographical regions across Nigeria. Through meticulous planning, collaborative efforts, and a steadfast commitment to transparency and efficiency, our team has worked diligently to bring this platform to fruition.


Role: Innovation Manager


Go Tap represents a groundbreaking venture into the cashless transaction space, leveraging NFC and blockchain technology to offer a secure, efficient, and universally accessible platform. Go Tap aims to pioneer a cashless future, supporting both banked and unbanked individuals across Nigeria and beyond. In a world evolving at an unprecedented pace, the financial landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. While this shift promises unparalleled convenience and efficiency, it is not without its challenges. The macro-level problem Go tap aims to address is the global imperative to reduce reliance on physical currency, fostering a more secure and streamlined financial ecosystem


Role: Head, Product & Technology Leader

IDEAx Labs

I led the team in instituting the first Innovation and Incubation Labs, after 79 years of WEMA Bank's existence. The Wema Bank's Innovation lab signifies the Bank's commitment to pioneering innovation within the financial sector. Focused on digital banking, data analytics, blockchain technology, Al, AR/VR, and emerging technologies, the Lab aims to elevate customer experiences and operational efficiency. With the right team on ground and strategic partnerships (internal and external), we aspire to lead the financial industry in delivering cutting-edge solutions while upholding the highest standards of security and regulatory compliance. The Lab is poised to be a catalyst for transformative change, positioning Wema Bank at the forefront of financial innovation.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UUaujkNzAc


Role: Junior Project Manager (Aug 2014 - May 16)

I was part of the team that deployed one of the most successful Core Banking Application Projects across Africa [Standard Bank Group].


Role: Head, Innovation

Hackaholics Ideathon

By spearheading the metamorphosis of the Initiative into a dynamic Campus-based Ideathon, we have established the largest event of its kind across Africa. This transformation has positioned WEMA Bank at the forefront of innovation and youth engagement, resulting in remarkable outcomes:

  • Digital Native Customer Acquisition: Over 500,000 new customers, driven by a deep understanding of digital natives' needs and preferences.
  • Significant Deposits: Accumulated over ?200 million in deposits, demonstrating trust and financial engagement from our new customer base.
  • Robust Social Media Presence: Garnered a following of over 100,000 across various social media platforms, amplifying our reach and influence.
  • Brand Deepening: Reinforced WEMA Bank's brand as an innovative and forward-thinking financial institution, creating a lasting impact on the market.

This initiative has not only revolutionized the Bank’s approach to customer acquisition but also solidified our presence in the digital and academic communities, ensuring sustained growth and engagement.

News article: https://nairametrics.com/2024/04/21/wema-bank-to-award-n70-million-to-innovators-in-hackaholics-competition

Head, Innovation

Role: Head, Innovation

Hackaholics Digital Summit

$200,000 in Grant, 37 Universities, 5,000+ Applications.

Led the Implementation of the first Africa's largest gathering of Innovators, Disruptors, Regulators, Policy Makers, Investors and Customers in the Digital Technology space, as hosted by WEMA Bank.

The Hackaholics Digital Summit, established as Africa's premier ecosystem gathering, encourages innovation, collaboration, and the progress of technology. The maiden edition united thousands of exceptional individuals, including innovators, change-makers, industry luminaries, and tech enthusiasts from diverse sectors.


Role: Head, Innovation/Facilitator

The ALAT STARTUP FOUNDERS COMMUNITY was born during Hackaholics 4.0. to help various Startup founders that have registered for our flagship program over the years. The community is a platform, to keep track, educate and also train our budding Startup Founders.

Role: Product Architect

Swift Answers on ALAT for Business

Swift Answers provides an avenue for existing customers to have access to questions and answers relating to any information they might want to be educated on. It is also an avenue for customers who have issues/problems to find shorter ways to solve a substantial part of their issues by just looking at the FAQs. Also, short videos will be provided to demonstrate how some features of the ALAT app can be used.


Role: Product Architect

SARA Web App

An all-in-one hub for social and financial empowerment solutions, tailored to meet the unique needs of women.

Role: Product Architect


This is an intelligent relationship management platform. A dynamic and intelligent platform that empowers the Business Development Team to deliver unparalleled customer experience and drive operational efficiency. This on-the-go platform that provides on-the-go 360 degree view of customer relationships, streamlines manual processes, provides robust analytics and supports performance management.

Book Solomon to speak at your next event

Solomon is a passionate thought leader and inspirational speaker, with a special focus on Leadership, Technology and Innovation for solving real life problems, Gender Advocacy and Faith.